Grade 3 Massachusetts, Home to Many Different People
Grade 4 North American Geography and Peoples
Grade 5 United States History to the Civil War and the Modern Civil Rights Movement
Topic: American Revolution
Liberty's Kids - Youtube video series created by student reporters covering the events of the Revolutionary War
Topic: Local Government / Civic Participation
iCivics game Cast Your Vote, on local elections
iCivics game Responsibility Launcher, on civic duties and responsibilities
iCivics WebQuest Civic Heroism, on civic duties and acts of civic courage; students conduct their own research using questions, pre-vetted websites and guiding tools provided.
Secretary of the Commonwealth, Massachusetts Kids’ Zone - various activities listed below:
Topic: Immigration and Citizenship
iCivics game Immigration Nation, on immigration and citizenship
Topic: Civic Action / Civics Projects
iCivics game Activate, on how civic action works, while learning ways that individuals and groups can work to influence government and society
iCivics WebQuest Who Represents Me?, help students investigate who represents them at the local, state and federal level; students conduct their own research using the questions, pre-vetted websites and guiding tools provided
Topic: The Bill of Rights / Amendments to the Constitution
iCivics game Do I Have a Right?, on the Bill of Rights and other amendments
Topic: Geography
Interactive Map Quiz Games:
Topic: News and Media Literacy
Newsomatic -Free daily newspaper for kids, translated into Spanish and French, includes voiceover as well as writing and drawing activities