Grade 8   United States and Massachusetts Government and Civic Life

 Topic: History of the Constitution

Topic: Federalism

Topic: Bill of Rights / Amendments to the Constitution

  • iCivics game Do I Have a Right? and Extension Pack lessons, on the Bill of Rights and other amendments; includes Spanish version and supports for English Language Learners

  • Reimagining Migration - Wong Kim Ark a Chinese American, who was detained after returning to the US from a trip to China, used the 14th amendment to win the right of birthright citizenship.

Topic: Elections

  • iCivics game Win the White House and Extension Pack lessons; run your own presidential campaign; includes Spanish version and supports for English Language Learners

  • iCivics game Cast Your Vote, and Extension Pack lessons, on local elections; includes Spanish version and supports for English Language Learners

  • Generation Citizen Election Resources This curated set of election-related lesson plans and resources helps educators and caregivers learn and teach about the history of our democracy, voting rights, election fundamentals, political representation, voter registration, poll workers, and debates.

  • Democratic Knowledge Project  Election 2020 Provides lessons and other resources to teach concepts about elections beyond 2020.

Topic: Branches of Government / Checks and Balances

  • iCivics game Branches of Power and Extension Pack lessons, to learn about all three branches of government; includes Spanish version and supports for English Language Learners

  • iCivics game Executive Command and Extension Pack lessons; take on the role of President

  • iCivics WebQuest Three Branches: Laws in Action, follow a law from start to finish; students conduct their own research using the questions, pre-vetted websites and guiding tools provided.

  • iCivics WebQuest Three Branches: Checks and Balances; students conduct their own research using the questions, pre-vetted websites and guiding tools provided.

  • iCivics WebQuest Being President, the role and responsibilities of the President; students conduct their own research using the questions, pre-vetted websites and guiding tools provided.

Topic: Global Citizenship 

Topic: News and Media Literacy

  • News Literacy Project - provides tools to address misinformation about the current health crisis as well as free access to Checkology, an online platform to help students develop media literacy skills

  • iCivics game NewsFeed Defenders and Extension Pack lessons and other resources; take on the role of curating a social media site to learn media literacy

Topic: Current Events

Topic: Massachusetts State and Local Government / Civic Participation

Topic: Civics Projects / Action Civics

Multiple Topics/Instructional Strategies

  • Education Development Center’s Zoom In! -a research-based online tool, offers 18 free US History units that build students’ literacy skills by helping them develop arguments on important social questions. Students delve into compelling human conflicts throughout history, and argue with evidence about what the past means and why it matters.